
Jan.2014: Churchyard Wall Repairs

In December last year a short section of retaining wall surrounding the Churchyard decided to collapse into the road. Fortunately no-one was injured but because the cause was 'fair wear and tear' rather than vehicle impact it seems unlikely the costs of repair will be borne by the Church insurers. We are obtaining a 'faculty' (permission to undertake repairs) from the Diocese and seeking quotes to effect repairs as soon as the weather improves.

A certain amount of arm-twisting was applied to the congregation at the Christmas Carol service but we're still likely to have a shortfall of £1,000 or so on the costs so if you have any bright ideas to reduce this further please contact the PCC.


Nov.2013: Chancel Repair Liability

In 2013 the Hoggeston PCC (Parochial Church Council) completed it's investigations into whether any properties within the parish are subject to so-called 'Chancel Repair Liability'. This legal oddity dates back many years to the time when tithes and the like were still commonplace and payable to Church authorities to offset the cost of providing Clergy and maintaining the building.

In recent years this potential liability has sometimes been overlooked by property owners (particularly those who purchase historic houses) and the Church Commissioners have been keen to determine who is - and who is NOT - liable after several cases where homeowners went to court to contest their liability.

After diligent investigations at the Land Registry and through the records of the Church Commissioners the PCC has determined that NO liability attaches to any properties within the parish and has formally notified the Diocese of it's findings.      

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